Red Weather Warning

Red Weather warning for adverse and extremely hot weather Monday July 17th and Tuesday 18th July.

Parents and carers to consider

– Children coming with a refillable water bottle

– Children coming with sun cream on and more, if possible, for re-application

– Children coming with a sun hat for walking to and from school and between lesson

– Parent and carers to talk to children about staying indoors at school in the designated place, to keep out of the sun as much as possible and to go straight home and get out of the sun on the way home.

Some of the things that the academy is doing to try to keep children safe

The government and the DFE wants schools to remain open so that children can continue to learn and be safe within school.

– Uniform rules relaxed allowing no blazer and ties off.

– High impact lessons such as PE / dance are not taking place

– Trips out are re-arranged

– All form rooms open at break and lunch and supervised by form tutors as a place to keep out of the sun

– More opportunities to fill up water bottles and drink water#

– Form time PowerPoint for all students to explain the dangers and how to keep themselves and others safe

– No football of high impact activities at break and lunch

– Early morning ventilation of classrooms and blinds down for the day.

– Computer rooms with computers switched off (as with other lessons, there may be some changes to lessons because of the heat)

DfE Guidance can be accessed here.