We pride ourselves on ensuring that all students are able to learn an environment which is both safe and supportive, whilst recognising the individual needs of all our students.
To report a safeguarding concern, please click here or contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead on 0115 9303724 or [email protected].
At Ormiston Ilkeston Enterprise Academy we recognise the importance of safeguarding all students and staff.
We pride ourselves on ensuring that all students are able to learn in an environment which is both safe and supportive, whilst recognising the individual needs of all our students.
In order to support the safeguarding work that is undertaken here at the Academy, we have a dedicated safeguarding team who are available should you or your child have concerns about any safeguarding issues.
We take bullying very seriously here at OIEA and work hard to ensure that we prevent it in the first instance. Mrs Pape is our SLT link for anti-bullying.
We recognise bullying as:
Repeated negative behaviour that is intended to make others feel upset, uncomfortable or unsafe.
We have a group of anti bullying ambassadors that have been trained through the Diana Award and they can support your child, we meet on Thursdays in the Gallery at 8.30am – all are welcome.
If your child feels they are being bullied they can report this in a number of ways:
They will be taken seriously and we will do our best to support them
If you wish to get further information on getting support/how to support your child or friends please try the following links.
Please refer to the following links for advice and guidance.
Safeguarding legislation guidance defines safeguarding as:
Safeguarding includes child protection, online safety, EHCP, anti-bullying work, health and safety, safety on trips, recruitment to ensure the wellbeing of students.
We promote the message that‘safeguarding children is everyone’s responsibility’. This is done through regular staff training (including GDPR), teaching topics mainly through PSHE and rigorous safeguarding systems.
We are committed to safeguarding children and young people and we expect everyone who works in our academy to share this commitment. We believe that our academy should provide a caring, positive, safe and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child. We recognise the importance of providing an environment within our academy that will help children feel safe and respected. We recognise the importance of enabling children to talk openly about anything that worries them and to feel confident that they will be listened to. We ensure that pupils are taught about safeguarding, including online safety, through various teaching and learning opportunities, as part of providing a broad and balanced curriculum. We will work with parents to build an understanding of the academy’s responsibilities to ensure the welfare of all children, including the need for referrals to other agencies in some situations.
Safeguarding arrangements in our academy are underpinned by two key principles:
Changing Lives Service and Mental Health Support Teams in Schools
What is the Changing Lives Service?
The Changing Lives Service is part of a national trailblazer project, funded by the Government as part of its ambitious plans to transform children and young people’s mental health as cited in the NHS Long-Term Plan.
“The arrangements for safeguarding are effective”.
“The systems to check adults in the school are safe to work with children are robust.
Staff receive frequent, relevant, safeguarding training. School staff recognise the signs of abuse and gave examples of when they had used this knowledge to refer concerns to the safeguarding lead”.
“Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe. They value routines such as ‘lockdown’ drills, as these add to their sense of security. Leaders make sure pupils are aware of the dangers of extremist behaviour. They ensure that pupils learn about the dangers of alcohol misuse and other threats to their health and well-being. Incidents of bullying have fallen dramatically. Pupils report bullying is now rare”.
“Leaders work well with parents and outside agencies to keep pupils safe and make sure pupils feel secure”.
Ofsted May 2018
“Leaders have invested in more support for pupils with concerns or worries about their mental health. The school is to become a base for the ‘Future in Mind’ project. This will help to increase the school’s capacity to provide counselling to young people when needed”.
Ofsted February 2020
Online safety tips
Reporting and Advice:
Click on the icons below to report a concern about an app or website or access advice about helping children and young people to stay safe online:
If you have concerns regarding someone who works with a child including foster carers and volunteers these should be reported to the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) – [email protected] or 01629 533190. This applies to all paid, unpaid, volunteers, casual, agency employees or anyone working in a self-employed capacity.
We at the academy are passionate about keeping children safe online and think it is very important to work in partnership with parents and carers.
The academy is committed to online safety and use policies, internet filtering, monitoring software and firewall to keep your children safe online.
We have put together some links below to help you keep your children safe at home.