Bookletised Curriculum

Curriculum Booklets

We use booklets (pre-planned resources) to communicate and deliver our knowledge rich, ambitious and challenging curriculum.

Our curriculum ensures that our students are taught the best that has been thought and said and acquire the powerful knowledge needed to understand the world in which they live. Obtaining such knowledge allows students to find their voice and lead successful, productive and happy lives.

We bookletise our curriculum to ensure all resources used are high quality and impactful. They are created in house by our wonderful subject teachers in conjunction with trust subject experts and are routinely adapted and refined to ensure each iteration is better than the next.

Booklets are designed to complement our teaching and learning philosophy and are heavily influenced by cognitive science and Rosenshine’s Principals of Instruction.

Whilst our booklets serve as our starting point, it is the teacher who is the most important resource. Students will not simply turn from page to page and engage with every activity or answer every question. Teachers utilise the booklets and adopt the parts most suitable for their students. Nothing is left to chance; every decision is deliberate and every action intentioned.

Why we use booklets;

  • The intended curriculum is more likely to become the enacted curriculum. Our booklets codify our intent and ensure that required knowledge is consistently delivered by subject teams.
  • If the delivery of content is consistent, assessments data produced is both valid and reliable. 
  • Booklets raise the bar and provide a minimum guarantee. Content is no longer left to the interpretation of teachers and resources selected are of the highest quality.
  • Teachers at all levels are empowered to ‘live the curriculum’. Subject leaders can actually lead their subject area and devolve responsibility for different units throughout their team. This develops teacher’s understanding of curriculum design and ultimately improves them as a teacher.
  • Both content and activities are explicitly considered. ‘Memory is the residue of thought’ – The best questions and opportunities to think are carefully considered and included in addition to the powerful knowledge students need to learn.
  • The use of booklets dramatically increases lesson efficiency. Titles and dates do not need to be written or underlined for example. In addition, the content provided negates the need to ‘copy’ and write notes. Student time is therefore reinvested in activities whereby students ‘think’ and engage with the knowledge required. The fact that everything is in one place results in less time being wasted on transitions between resources and activities.
  • Sticking, cutting, organising, photocopying all become features of the past. This directly improves workload in addition to improving lesson efficiency. Time can be reinvested in activities that make a difference such as planning and assessment.
  • Booklets provide multiple and additional opportunities for students to reads academic text. The amount and quality of text read is the single most important factor in developing a child’s reading ability.